What happens at a consultation?

Your initial consultation will last approximately one hour when a full and confidential case-history will be taken. You will be asked a series of questions concerning the different systems of the body as well as precise details of your main complaint. It is important that you give as much detail as possible at this point, including full details of any medication you may be taking. No two people are the same in their requirements for health so your treatment plan will then be discussed with you and designed to suit your specific needs using a combination of herbs, nutritional supplements and dietary changes.

How much does it cost?

Your initial consultation costs £75
Follow-ups (approximately ½ hour) are £45
One hour massage, reiki or EFT treatment costs £50

What about the cost of supplements?

I always try to keep costs to a minimum and will only recommend what I think is really necessary.

In my practice I find herbs to be very effective and at £6.00 for a weeks supply, they are also the cheapest treatment option. If I think supplements are necessary I will discuss the various options and costs with you. The choice is always yours.
Dietary changes are free…

What kind of herbs do you use?

I work primarily with herbal tinctures and make up a combination that is specific to your needs. As they are in tincture form, there is no need for you to spend hours boiling them up; the only preparation you need to do is shake the bottle!

How long will I need to continue the treatment?

Most people see an improvement within the first two weeks. In general, the longer you have had a condition, the longer it will take to clear. Exact treatment times vary from person to person. In most cases I recommend that you continue with your treatment for at least three months in order to give your body time to readjust.

How often will I have to see you?

With hormonal issues I like to see you every four weeks so that I can assess your progress and make any adjustments to your treatment plan. With other conditions, some people choose to see me every two weeks, others prefer once a month. Again, the choice is yours.

Will I experience any side-effects?

The only side-effects you should experience are positive ones. However, if you do have any concerns about your treatment I am more than happy to discuss these with you at no extra cost.


Brighton Natural Solutions has an extensive client base in Brighton, Shoreham, Worthing, Lewes, Newhaven & Eastbourne with women travelling from all across East & West Sussex for our complementary therapies to their health issues. Skype, Zoom or telephone consultations are also available for those who wish to consult from further afield, both nationally and internationally.